The Advantages Of The Passive House

Living in a wooden Passive House has many important benefits, not only for the occupants of the building:
The wooden structure, thanks to its elasticity, ensures an excellent response to seismic events, not only from the point of view of earthquake resistance (that with the earthquake regulations it is also guaranteed by the “classic” concrete constructions), but also by limiting the damage to the structure itself, that will be recoverable with few and limited interventions.
By clicking here it is possible to see the video of a seismic test done on a Xlam wooden building of 7 floors (almost 24 meters/78 feet high!!) with a simulation of intensity equal to that of the earthquake in Kobe (Japan) in 1995, which was one of the most powerful earthquakes in history with a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale.

Moreover the Passive House, requiring very limited resources for heating, can be built without any gas system, which means greater safety (having eliminated the possibility of leakage or explosion). It also reduces the possibility of fire in the kitchen, since there are no open flames for cooking food.
The Passive House, thanks to its very low heat loss, requires very little energy and reduces the emission of CO2. The small energy needed is produced through solar energy, and thus in a totally ecological and renewable way. Even the wood used for its construction is, of course, renewable and recyclable.
The aforementioned advantages also mean economic savings.

The absence of the gas system leads to lower costs for the construction and also in the everyday use: one bill less to pay and less maintenance to do every year.
For the same reason, even the cost of any eventual home insurance to cover fires and explosions is lower.

Heating and cooling costs are drastically reduced and can be almost canceled, depending on how the building is constructed.

The time needed for the construction of a wooden house is half the time required by a concrete house, with an immediate return in case of rent.
The Passive House, thanks to Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) that recovers and filters air, ensures clean and less polluted air than the one we breathe each day.
Furthermore, the temperature in the various rooms is uniform, unlike the traditional houses where there are drafts around doors and windows and higher temperatures close to the radiators.
Lastly, the constant fresh air supply ensures low humidity and therefore less mold and mites, less respiratory diseases and allergies, and, at the same time, provides a clean environment without any bad smell from the kitchen and the bathroom.